University Of ELOUED

Faculty of Technology

Personal information

GUEDDA Elhabib


Atomic Physics

Faculty Of Exact Sciences

Laboratory : LEVRES

قده الحبيب

أستاذ التعليم العالي

فيزياء ذرية

كلية العلوم الدقيقة

Short Biography

Professor Elhabib GUEEDA, PhD in Atomic Physics. Currently is the vice rector in charge of External relations and cooperation of University of El oued. He held many administrative responsibilities and tasks, the most important of which are the Dean of the faculty of science and technology. He worked in many universities and research centers such as USTHB Algiers, ENS Kouba ,Nuclear Birine center, University of Ouargla and University of El Oued. He has many national and international publications and has supervising many Master and PhD students. Contributed to launching many specialties at the university of El Oued. Presiding over many international conferences and conducting many international projects within the framework of PRIMA and ERASMUS+.

fields of interest

Atomic Physics, Atomic data, Plasma, Spectroscopy

GUEDDA Elhabib