University Of ELOUED

Faculty of Technology

Personal information


Professor Lecturer A

Management sciences

Faculty of Economics, Business 

and Management Sciences

Laboratory :Laboratory of political economy between economic development and the political challenges of Arab and African countries.

بكوش لطيفة

أستاذ محاضر أ

علوم التسيير

كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير

Professional and Scientific links

Short Biography

Latifa Bekkouche received the Master degree in accounting and information systems from the University center of El-Oued, Algeria in 2011and the PhD degree in management in 2017 from Mohamed Khider University of  Biskra, Algeria. The author has been a Lecturer at the El-Oued University in Algeria since 2017. The main research interest is management accounting studies.

fields of interest

Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Corporate Governance, Auditing, Financial Accounting, Financial Analysis.
