University Of ELOUED

Faculty of Technology

Personal information

KHELIL Abdellatif

Professor Lecturer A

Electronic – Communications 

Faculty of Technology

Laboratory : LGEEE-Eloued

خليل عبد اللطيف

أستاذ محاضر أ


كلية التكنولوجيا

Short Biography

 Khelil Abdellatif received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in communication engineering from the University of Setif, Algeria in 2005 and 2009, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in the field of Communication Engineering from the same university with the collaboration of UQO University, Canada. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department of El-Oued University, Algeria since 2011, where he is currently an associate professor of Communication Engineering. He is the author and co-author of many journal and conference papers. His research interests are wireless communications, cellular communications (5G, B5G and 6G), MIMO systems, mm-waves propagation, THz communications, new waveforms, NOMA and RIS.

fields of interest

Communication Engineering
