University Of ELOUED

Faculty of Technology

Personal information


Professor Lecturer B

Language sciences (French)

Faculty of Literature and Languages


Laboratory :Trading & Speech Analysis

ميلودي منير

أستاذ محاضر  ب

علوم اللغة (فرنسية)

كلية الآداب و اللغات

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Short Biography


Mounir MILOUDI is a Doctor of Language Sciences, graduated from the University of Boumerdès (Algeria), Faculty of Sciences. He is a lecturer B in the French department of the University of El-Oued. It provides didactic modules in the Master’s class. He also supervises graduation dissertations in applied language teaching. His research work falls within the socio-didactic field. He is the author or co-author of thirteen scientific articles published in: Synergies Algérie, El-Bahith, Studii şi cercetåri filologice, Etudes & Recherches Humaines & Sociales, Ex-Professo et Paradigmes. He is the author of several extracurricular manuals (Parlons français, Bravo Amine, En net Progrès, Formidable, Go! Courage, Simple comme bonjour, etc.). He is a reviewer for several classified journals (Algerian Review of Language Sciences, Didaskein, Scientific Horizons, Ex Professo and Arabic Language Sciences and his letters. He has also participated in several international and national scientific events (Algiers 2, Barika , Batna 2, Bejaïa, Beirut, Biskra, Boumerdès, Boussaâda, Chlef, Constantine, Djelfa, El-Oued, Lyon, Oran, Ouargla, Relizane, Timiṣoara, Tizi-Ouzou and Tlemcen).

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